Why Are My Teeth So Sensitive?

27 September 2016

Sensitive Teeth
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We’ve all experienced dreaded brain freeze whilst biting down too hard on an ice cream. It’s normal to shudder now and again when you get a little keen eating something frozen. However, if that shudder is becoming constant and unbearable you are probably suffering from sensitive teeth.

Here are some causes that could be leading to sensitivity and steps to take to help ease the pain.

Your toothbrush is too hard

Sensitivity can be caused by brushing with too much force or even just using a hard-bristled brush. This can wear down the protective layers of your teeth and leave the dental nerves vulnerable. The easiest way to deal with this is to switch to a toothbrush with softer bristles and try and be gentler when brushing.

Rethink your toothpaste and mouthwash

Leave the tooth whitening to the professionals and always consult your dentist first. Manufacturers add whitening chemicals to some formulas, using this twice a day can be abrasive and painful. Try neutral fluoride rinses or use toothpaste designed for sensitivity.

Excessive consumption of acidic food and drinks

Citrus fruit juices, fizzy drinks and alcohol are some examples of highly acidic beverages that attack your enamel and also lead to decay. Click here for diet advice that works for your teeth.

Your tooth is cracked

This pain goes beyond sensitivity – if you’re experiencing sensitivity because your tooth is chipped or cracked, you need to see a dentist a.s.a.p. to decide on the best course of action. We can help during a dental emergency.

Fillings are becoming weaker

This makes it easier for bacteria to fill up in the edges of your filling leading to acid build up and enamel breakdown. In most cases, fillings can easily be replaced so just contact us for an appointment!

Gum disease is developing

Receding gums are increasingly common with age and can cause sensitivity as well as leading to gum disease or gingivitis. To avoid this you need to stay on top of your oral health routine. Read our advice on gum disease here.

A build up of plaque

Excessive plaque can also cause enamel to wear away, making your teeth more sensitive. The solution to this is to stay on top of a good oral health routine, make sure you’re flossing and brushing regularly at the very least!

Tooth sensitivity can be solved; once you realize how easy it can be to treat hopefully you’ll wonder why it took you so long to finally enjoy that ice-lolly… Sugar free, of course 😉

If you’re still having problems after making any recommended changes remember to book an appointment with your dentist, whether it’s for peace of mind or to discuss a plan of action. We are here to help and care about your dental wellbeingClick here to contact us.

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