Putting Prevention First: What is preventive dentistry?

15 June 2017

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The top two causes of tooth loss are gum disease and tooth decay. In fact, recent statistics show that tooth decay is the leading cause of hospital admissions among children in the UK! Did you know that it is also almost entirely preventable?

At Redmires Dental Care we believe that early identification and intervention for potential oral health problems is vital and this is why preventive dentistry is at the heart of our practice.

What is preventive dentistry?

Preventive dentistry is the modern way to maintain a really healthy mouth.

Instead of waiting to repair or remove decaying teeth after the damage is done, we prepare your mouth for a healthy life and reduce the risk of such problems occurring in the first place. This approach is at the centre of preventive dentistry!

With preventive dentistry, the dentist and the patient work together to establish great dental hygiene and to thwart the need for treatment later down the line such as fillings or removing a tooth.

If you have visited your dentist for a check-up recently you will notice that they should provide you with a ‘scale and polish’ which removes plaque and tartar from your teeth. They may also give you advice on how to brush and clean your teeth more effectively. These are classic examples of preventive dentistry at work. Such measures might seem very simple and are so easy to do but they can have a significant impact on your long term oral health.

Redmires Dental Care: going further to keep you smiling!

We are proud to go further than other dental practices to ensure the best advice and treatment for our patients. We have an exceptional team who want to work with you to help you have healthy teeth and gums for life.

All our patients benefit from a comprehensive 15-point healthy mouth check at each check-up for no extra cost. Our dental hygienists help determine a personalised treatment plan that is tailored to your lifestyle. We also offer nutritional advice and support for those trying to stop smoking.

Putting prevention at the heart of policy

It’s been great to see that the sugar tax on fizzy drinks will be introduced – this is a great example of the government putting prevention first. We would love to see more of this type of initiative. Not only can it help people to avoid the potential discomfort of more invasive treatments, it could save the country a lot of money!

We believe that all political parties should take oral health seriously and that prevention must be at the heart of any effective healthcare strategy. The British Dental Association have been campaigning during this election cycle – you can read more about their manifesto for preventive dentistry.

It is not too late: You can start today!

Have you had a filling or a tooth removed before? Don’t worry! It is never too late to take better care of your oral health – you can start taking a new, more preventative approach today to improve the future of your dental health. The best way to get started is by booking an appointment with us.

We also have lots of tips on our blog such as how to brush your teeth effectively and when is the best time of the day to eat sugar.

Together we can leave you with a smile on your face.

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