Tooth Whitening: is it for you?

27 August 2014

Teeth Whitening Tray
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Our smile is often the first thing people notice about us and it can convey so much. You may be one of the many people who would like their smile to be just that bit better, with whiter teeth – and we know that a smile that you feel comfortable with can make you feel so much more confident.

At Redmires Dental Care we can help you to have the whiter teeth you would like. For most people this involves the use of special custom made home whitening trays with whitening gels matched to your needs, expectations and lifestyle.

Before starting any whitening treatment we shall need to make sure that your teeth and gums are healthy. We shall discuss with you your hopes and expectations, then with proper planning, supervision and monitoring by our experienced dental professionals you have the reassurance that our techniques will be safe, comfortable and effective.

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