Spotting Hidden Sugars This Easter

23 March 2016

Spotting Hidden Sugars This Easter
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Every Easter, the shops are overflowing with tempting treats on almost every aisle. This means shops are also no stranger to the odd tantrum with a child clutching a chocolate bunny after being told ‘no – that would be your third this week!’

It’s hard for us adults to avoid being distracted by mini eggs whilst trying to shop for tonight’s salad or veg selection, never mind controlling your toddler’s sweet desires.

Obviously we understand it’s not fair to completely cut out treats over the holidays, so here are some quick, easy to follow tips for keeping an eye on sugar content over Easter.

  1. Get your kids involved in making Easter themed healthier snacks – make a bunny out of fruit, decorate your boiled eggs as chicks or cut your healthy sandwiches into the shape of sheep
  1. Try to encourage family members to buy alternative treats to sweets. Putting money in piggy banks or buying small gifts instead of Easter eggs can allow them to treat your children without the sugar!
  1. Give sweet treats after a healthy meal and monitor their intake, for example, give smaller pieces of the same Easter egg on different days. Try to avoid giving a whole or even ½ an Easter egg in one sitting (we know this can be difficult)
  1. Make sure you’re giving your children water or milk after chocolate – not fizzy drinks or juice
  1. Buy fun-size treats instead, these are easy to find in supermarkets
  1. Less than an hour to go before bedtime? No sugar should be allowed as this heightens the risk of tooth decay as well as causing lack of sleep
  1. Be even more vigilant with brushing, make sure there’s no half hearted attempts or skipping bathroom time, ensure NOTHING is eaten after teeth brushing and remember to leave at least 30 minutes after eating before you brush.

For more of an idea of sugar content in different Easter eggs, click here – it might make your decision for you on how much you should be giving per day!

Have fun over the holidays but remember tooth decay is a growing problem in the UK and Easter is no exception.

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