
How to prevent tooth decay in children

December 4, 2015
Prevent tooth decay in children

It’s important to ensure that your whole family’s teeth and gums are healthy for life. Here’s how to prevent tooth decay in children.

Chewing Gum: is it good or bad for you?

November 23, 2015
Chewing Gum: is it good or bad for you?

Have you ever wondered whether chewing gum is good or bad for your dental health? It’s a common query, so we want to share the science behind chewing gum after a meal.

Sugar and Your Oral Health: How to Spot Hidden Sugars and Protect Your Teeth

November 4, 2015
How to spot hidden sugars

Keeping your teeth and gums healthy involves having a great oral hygiene routine and a balanced diet. This can be trickier than you might think though, when lots of foods that are packaged as “healthy” options actually contain lots of sugar in different forms. Let us help you how to spot hidden sugars and protect your teeth!

Is brushing enough?

August 27, 2014
Interdental Brushes

Effective dental plaque removal is the key to a lovely clean mouth, better scores recorded by your dentist, fresh breath – and a significant reduction in nagging from the dental hygienist…

Tooth Whitening: is it for you?

August 27, 2014
Teeth Whitening Tray

Teeth whitening can make a real difference to your smile. Find out whether it’s for you by reading this article.